Mosquito Information

The City of Lake Forest’s mosquito abatement program runs from May through October with a budget of roughly $18,000.  Larvicide is one of our most effective tools in mosquito control and is the primary control measure used to address mosquito larvae in catch basins and standing water. The City uses the following larvacide products and protocols based on industry best practices for controlling mosquitos:

  • Natular XRT tablets: Natular XRT tablets are used to treat approximately 5,500 catch basins.  City workers use utility vehicles to drop catch basin tablets, which are extended release over 180 days. Treatment typically takes place around Memorial Day weekend.
  • Vectolex: Vectolex is a granular larvicide used to treat four regularly scouted City zones known for long-term standing water.
  • Altosid: Altosid is a liquid larvacide that the City applies using a portable spray unit. The product is used to treat long-term standing water in ditch lines and bike paths when mosquito larvae are present.

The City treats mosquito breeding areas based on tests of larva rather than nuisance complaints. Testing for mosquito larvae always precedes treatment; however, the City is still responsive to resident reports of mosquito problem areas. A phone log documents all complaints, to which the City responds within 24 hours, if necessary.  Mosquito activities (hatches/elevated positive disease reports) are also monitored on a regular basis through our vendor Clarke Environmental, which provides regular email updates.

While abatement activities primarily focus on identifying mosquito breeding habitats and eliminating mosquitos at the larval stage, the City will occasionally target adult mosquitos if recommended by the Center for Disease Control, due to the increased risk for mosquito-borne diseases like the West Nile virus.

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